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I cant let you go.... Bcz I love Uuuhh

I may not get to see you as often as I like. I may not get To hold you in my arms all through the night. But deep in my heart I truly know, you`re the one that I love, and can`t let you go.
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How much I love you

"Let me refresh your memory alright? I was the one who took your bullshit. I was the one who actually cared about you. I was the one who stuck around even when everyone told me to leave. I was the one who loved you even when you gave me every reason not to. Lastly, I was the one who was there for you when no one else was. I hope you can sleep on that."

Don’t break Trust

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10 Rules For Success

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4 Habits Of Emotionally Strong Leaders

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Whats is success?

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6 Tips to Enjoy Career Success

6 Tips To Enjoy Career Success   Business Success Everyone dreams of having a highly successful career that they enjoy and that provides them with the lifestyle they desire. Far too many of us, though, end up settling short when it comes to  career success , working jobs we don’t enjoy for less money than we’d like to have. The good news is that having a successful career is something that is largely under your own control. If you would like to start enjoying career success, follow these six steps. 1. Choose Your Job Wisely The first and by far the most important step to achieving career success is choosing your occupation. Choosing an occupation that will bring you success, though, comes down to how you define success. Do you want a career that allows you to travel or a steady job that lets you settle into a pleasant routine? Do you want a career that makes lots of money, or is money only a secondary concern? Once you define your priorities, you can m...