7 Steps To Self-Fulfillment Personal Success happy life , Personal Growth , Personal Success In a busy world, it is very easy to feel as if you are unhappy or in need of self-fulfillment. Maybe you feel as if you do not have enough money, or your relationships are not where you want them to be. You may easily catch yourself wondering, “I just had this or that, I would be happy”. The truth is, self-fulfillment cannot always come from material things. 1. Surround Yourself With Positivity A great deal of your happiness can be affected by your environment. If you notice that you spend much of your time with people who have a negative impact on your mood or attitude, it may be time to branch out and connect with people who make you smile and push you toward positivity. 2. Visualize Success Give yourself goals to reach, whether in your personal or professional life. Maybe you want to lose weight, go back to ...